Welcome to our top best electric scooter safety tips guide for beginners. Electric scooters have become one of the most popular gadgets in the recent years. More and more people from children to adults use electric scooters to commute from home to grocery stores to work. Sometimes these electric scooters are used for recreational purposes that provide an excellent entertainment value.
While they are fun to use, it is important to remember that these scooters are electric-powered and they can pose threats to both users and passengers. Therefore, it’s important to share some of the top best electric scooter safety tips that everyone should know.
Without further ado, let’s find out what these electric scooter safety tips are so you can become a better rider!
Top 8 Best Electric Scooter Safety Tips
- Always wear safety equipment.
- Perform inspection.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Be conscious of barriers.
- Avoid slippery surfaces.
- Stay calm & push slowly.
- Stop using scooters during lighting storms.
- Have fun.
1. Perform Inspection
Always inspect your electric scooter first before powering it on. Make sure you check its tires to ensure it is not flat or has any punctures. A quick review of your electric scooter prior to the ride will go a long way to make sure you are safe.
If you understand other scooter consumers, take advantage of this to educate them to inspect their scooter’s tries. Other than checking the tires, make sure the treads are not worn out. If necessary, replace them with brand new tires.
2. Always Wear Safety Equipment
Sometimes accidents can’t be avoided completely in certain events you have taken every precaution to prevent them from happening. This is why you should always wear safety equipment all the time. Which means you need to be wearing a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.
Helmet protects your head from concussions. Kneepads and elbow pads protect you from scraps, bruises and bumps. If you want to take an extra step further, you also can add a mouth guard to protect your teeth and jaw from dislocating on impact. To make it easier for you to grab these safety equipment, we recommend these products:
3. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Often accidents happen because the riders don’t pay attention to their surroundings. One of the easiest and safest ways to avoid accidents while riding your scooter is to focus on the road and observe your surroundings without diverting your attention.
Be on the outlook for pedestrians, incoming traffic and barriers. At the same time, adhere to the regulations and rules, yield the way to pedestrians and avoid crowded areas. Perform a quick scan every few seconds to stay updated with your surroundings.
4. Be Conscious of Barriers
Barriers and defects like potholes, bumps and crevices are huge dangers to the electric scooters and users as well. These are one of the main reasons why accidents happen a lot of the time. As mentioned previously, you need to be aware of your surroundings.
Slow down or go around barriers / defects. If necessary, stop riding your electric scooter and pick it up until you reach the area where it is safe to ride again. Best way to approach this is to remain calm and decrease your speed until full stop.
Also, be wary of puddles. Even though they look harmless, they are dangerous since they can hide holes and crevices as well as causing you to lose control of your electric scooter. Keep your speed low and when necessary, stop it altogether in wet weather.
5. Stay Calm & Push Slowly
Sometimes sudden downpours happen while you are riding on your electric scooter. If that happens, stay calm and push slowly as you navigate on the streets and pavements. Maintain low speed as they will be slippery and wet.
6. Avoid Slippery Surface
Always practice precaution when you are riding your electric scooter on slippery and wet surfaces like metal surfaces, marble tiles, muddy sidewalks and icy roads. This type of wet weather poses challenges for the tires to support your scooter which makes it likely to cause injuries.
Whenever you are commuting on these days where ice or wet factors are present, maintain a low speed when cruising. Make sure you are using your safety equipment to maximize your protection against possible risks.
7. Stop Using a Scooter During Lighting Storms
As much as it is fun to ride an electric scooter, they are lighting rods for the storms. If you ride in wet weather and just happened to notice a lightning storm. Immediately cease using your electric scooter and head for safety. Remain until the weather gets better before you can resume commuting on your electric scooter.
8. Have Fun
Finally, you want to have fun while riding on your electric scooter. Which is why it is important to follow these top best electric scooter safety tips. By just following these simple safety tips, you will be able to enjoy commuting anywhere you want to go.
If you are completely new to electric scooters and aren’t sure which one to buy yet. We have a list of great electric scooters that is worth checking out. Be sure to see each electric scooter reviews before you decide to buy one:
Enjoy and stay safe while riding on your electric scooter!